Saturday Afternoon News Meeting

Assignment Managers Ed Walsh & Andrew Smith discuss the hot stories of the day and ways to best execute coverage.  Joining them, are @KatieABC7  @svqjournalist @tacert & @LisaAminABC7. Of particular interest to the team,  how to advance coverage of stories that are trending on our social media platforms. One of the greatest challenges facing Ms. Tiffin, the Evening

Energy & Focus!

Grabbing a quick sandwich! Lately it has become difficult for me to focus & write once my energy level begins to fade – something the photographer with whom I work regularly, has pointed out to me on more than one occasion. “Nick, you’re turning into something that rhymes with ‘Nick’ but begins with a “D.”

Saturday Morning News

  Each day begins with a team discussion of the best way to provide coverage. Producers, Editors, Media Managers, Writers, Anchors & Assignment Managers aim to craft workable ideas & visual elements for story telling.  The most important item for every newscast: accuracy.  Today’s hot topic – President Obama’s visit to San Francisco for a