Change 2.0

I have been fortunate enough to spend the last 9 years of my career working with an amazingly generous and talented group of people.

As a proud veteran of the United States Army, I know and appreciate the the benefits of change – even when it means letting go of the familiar.

KGO-TV has been my home since December 2006 – but now, it’s time to say goodbye.

It’s time for change.

1). Change makes you flexible.  I’ve learned that being stubborn and resistant to new things will make a normally stressing situation even more so. Change helps you be fluid and go with the flow.
2). Change makes you smarter. If things never changed, you’d never learn anything new. And every time you learn a new skill — even if it’s just how to adapt — you are that much smarter than you were yesterday.

3). Change reminds us that anything is possible. It’s easy to think that anything that’s stuck will always be that way. When you see things change, whether it’s in your life or some one else’s, it’s encouragement to know that nothing stays the same forever.

B&E Fremont Personally, I have feared change because it forces me outside my comfort zone.  But now I’m realizing that it may have taken me more effort to resist change that it would have for me to simply accept it.

The team with whom I’ve worked at 900 Front Street and shared a passion for storytelling, has encouraged me to do more with my craft; reminding me to stay true to my internal need to be challenged and intellectually stimulated.

I’m ready to make the jump into the pool of the uncomfortable.

Change is a harbinger of possibilities. You’ve taught me that and I thank you –
